Duke of Ed Adventurous Journey’s with ECOTREASURES

duke of ed adventurous journey

Duke of Ed Adventurous Journey

Registered Duke of Ed activity provider

We are very happy to announce ECOTREASURES is officially an registered activity provider with Duke of Edinburghs International Award. We have created some unique programs to suit the aims and objectives of the award. We have consulted with many teachers and spoke with students who have completed the award from Silver to Gold. There was a key demand for something new, and something different to help engage the participants into the journey.

ECOTREASURES Adventurous Journey Exploration

What Duke of Ed Adventurous Journey program do we offer

ECOTREASURES citizen science wildlife and weather survey of Ku-ring-gai is a truly unique adventure of Australia’s 2nd oldest national Park. The location has public transport to get to the location. The award participant will paddle, hike and investigate the coastal zone of the local wildlife, flora and assess and survey weather. Check out the link for more information.


If you have any questions please email info@ecotreasures.com.au


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